Binyamin Yafet
New almond selffe frtilization
Snow Angel
New white peach from Zeiger Genetics
New peach almond rootstocks
- resistant to nematodes
Royal Hazel
New early cheery from Zeiger Genetics
New patented pomegranate from The Agricultural Research Organization of Israel.
We have the rights in Israel.
Matan - new species from the The Agricultural Research Organization
Hanani nursery has the rights to produce Matan and Gilad species.
PlaWhite 5
patented early white peach. From the spanish PLANASA compeny. New in Israel.
Zincal 3
patented early yellow nactrine. size 70. From the spanish PLANASA compeny. New in Israel.
VioWhite 5 – New white fleshed nectarine
Hanani fruit tree nurseries introduces for first time
New chrry-Helga and Kasndra
Early as the Burlat
Fruits are dark red; excellent taste.
fruits are more resistant to fruit cracking than Burlat
New early cherry-"Kosra"
Nikels- New almond-peach rootstock
New rootstock from davis university of California
OHxF87- New pear rootstock
Gizella 12-new cherry rootstock
"NITZAN" and "TAROG"-varieties of apricot
Lior and Zohar – no smell Guayaba
Patent of The Agricultural Research Organization of Israel.
NATAF- new apricot
from The Agricultural Research Organization of Israel.
We have the rights in Israel.
GLOBALG.AP standard
We have been authorized to fix GLOBALG.AP Plant Propagation Material -PPM
Hanani Nursery has been produced fruit tree plants for three generations.
The family nursery was founded in the early years of the last century (1930) by the late Sara and David Zamir in Kfar Hassidim.
Later on it moved to Hanani farm in Beit Lehem Haglilit.
All these years the nursery has neen produced thousands of deciduous varieties which are distributed in Israel and all over the world .
The varieties of plants and rootstocks have been changing throughout the years
because of the demands of the Israeli marketplace which tries to maintain the profitability and renovation of the orchard growing sector.