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Hanani Nursery is located in moshav Beit Lehem Haglilit in  the western margins of Emek Izrael (link to  map). This region was a huge center of orchards in the years 50s and 60s of the last century. Since then most of the orchards have been uprooted. However, in recent years one can see renewed planting of pomegranate and almond trees. The nursery is producing many varieties of peach, nectarine, plum , cherry , apricot, pear, apple, almond, pomegranate , persimmon and quince . The rootstocks are adapted to the requirements of the farmer. They are made mainly from tissue culture, seedlings which are clean of viruses. There are also  woodcutting .  The main production is ShtilGalil and bare roots . The growing areas of bare root plants and the soil mixture in the growbags are sterilized before sowing or planting.












Mordechay and Shay Hanani at the   nursery - 1965

Hanani nursery - 1955










Peach plants in bags   







​Bare root apple plants 







The Hanani Nursery produces two varieties of bare-root plants : annuals and biennals (summer/winter).

The stages of the production of the two bare-root plants varieties is as follows:


Sowing and planting of  the annual plants take place in the winter. This is followed by spring grafting.  Then during the summer the plants grow and get their shape. All this process ends in the successive winter when the plants are ready for  marketing .

Sowing or planting of the biennal plants take place in the winter. During the summer the growing of the rootstocks continues. Later on dormant bud grafting is done in autumn. The plants keep growing during the summer and the marketing of the plant starts in the following winter.

The plants in  soilless substrate  are produced of rootstocks that are planted in StilGalil in the end of the winter or in the beginning of the spring. The rootstocks are from plant tissue culture or rooted budwood. They are grafted in the spring and marketed in the successive winter. Another possibility is that the rootstocks are grafted in the autumn and marketed in the following spring or summer.

 Mordechay and Shay Hanani at the nursery - 1965


 Hanani Nursery produces varieties of plants:

1. Seasonal/annual bare root plants, spring plants grafting 

 (peach, nectarine, apricot, apple)

2.  Perennial/biennal (summer/autumn) bare root plants, autumn plants grafting

 (Plum, apple, pear, cherry, persimmon)

3. Plants in growth bags (6 liter):

Peach, plum and almonds on 677 from plant tissue culture.   

 Apricot on apricot seedling / 2729,

 Cherry on Colt, Mahaleb or MM2,

 Peach, almond and plum on Hansen 536 ,

 Pear on Betelifolia, BA29/Ohxf 87.

                                                                                     The standard quality system that produces all the plant varieties has the ISO 9001:2015 standard. It is also adapted to the EURAPGAP p.p.m standards.

(See the written information in the Quality System section.)

Hanani nursery is supervised by the Plant Protection Inspection Services (link to PPIS).

The plants in growbags are supervised and authorised by the Agriculture according to Biblical Law Research Institute founded by Rabbi Efratti.


Hanani Nursery has the permission to produce plants of three pomegranate varieties


that are patents of the  Agricultural Research Organiztion(ARO)  :

 pomegranate varieties "Emek", "Neta".


New and early varieties of Apricot "Daniel", "Nitzan" and "Trog".


 Guayaba varieties - "Lior" .


Almond varieties "Matan" and "Binyamin-Yefet".


Contact us:

משתלת חנני

פל' 0505343518, בית לחם הגלילית 3600700, פקס. 04953571


   Hanani Nurseriers Beit Lehem Haglilit  36007 Israel  Tel: 972-505343518    Fax:972-4-9535714 18

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